Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Magazine Scrapbook

This is a time-honored tradition.  Girls ripping out pages of magazines and putting them together in a scrapbook.  I know I do it!  It's one of the best ways to figure out what you really like.  Usually what I do is rip out the page, then circle or identify what it is about the photo I like. To be honest, when it comes to home photos...I'm always attracted to photos with flowers in them.  I realized this after I started circling what I liked!!

To help determine your wedding style, I'd start with the basics.  Pick up The Knot, Martha Stewart Weddings, Southern Weddings and one of my favorites: Wedding Style Guide based in Australia.  You can get some seriously amazing ideas if you start with those.  You can then branch out to their websites or blogs.  Then you can clean up the edges (if you're OCD like me) then hole punch or slide them into sleeves to put into a 3-ring binder.  This way you can sort cakes, tablescapes, flowers, etc. in your binder.

Instead of an inspiration board today, I'm providing several wedding magazine covers linked to their respective websites for you to start browsing!!

Courtney Shaver

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